In order for JSDC to function safely during these times, we ask all of the dancers and family members to adhere to the following guidelines:
*Please Note: JSDC no longer accepts personal checks for payment. The 3 secure ways to pay monthly tuition and costume fees are listed below:
1. E-Pay ( Your debit or credit card on file will be automatically drafted the first lesson in each month.
2. Online payment through our web-site.
3. Cash *Parents/Guardians will be required to sign a COVID-19 Release Form before their child can begin taking classes. This form will be emailed. Please sign and date and return the form by the first day of class.
*Our lobby remains closed during this time. Parents/Guardians will be required to walk dancer(s) to the front door or drop off in the parking lot. After class, parent/guardians will pick up dancer at the front door or in their car if the child is old enough to walk him/herself to the car.
Please note: Students are not allowed to be dropped off early before class begins and left unsupervised. Parents/guardians are required to pick up their child on time.
*Dancers must enter the studio front door and exit through the back (SSI) or side door (BWK.) Young dancers will be supervised as they enter and exit.
*Dancers will have a specific place to store dance bags as they enter the lobby. Cell Phones must be stored in dance bags and are not allowed in class. This area will be sanitized after each class. Each dancer is only allowed one bag in the studio.
*Dancers are allowed to carry dance shoes and water bottles to class only.
*Self-Isolate- If you are sick, please stay home!
*Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet to the greatest extent possible.
*Wash Hands frequently (20 seconds with soap and water or use of a sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol).
*Employees will clean and disinfect frequently touched objects including ballet barres, chairs, bathroom sinks and toilets, dance floors, music equipment and surfaces.
*Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
*All dancers are encouraged to wear a face mask. Students with difficulty breathing, or anyone who cannot remove the mask themselves are not required.
*Cover mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and throw tissues away immediately after use.
*All dancers must sanitize their hands upon entering the building and before exiting the building.
*One student at a time will be allowed to use the restroom with teacher’s permission. Dressing rooms remain closed.
*Dancers will have specific boundaries in the studio to keep space between each other per CDC guidelines.
*There will be no access to the Water Fountain. Dancers must bring their own water bottles. Absolutely No Food is allowed in the building.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.